Cannibal Trail - Nicola Samoli Solo Exhibition

2019.10.19 - 2020.03.01|3rd Floor, Exhibition Hall, Yuxiu Art Museum
Art is a hole in time, something that anesthetizes its course.
–Nicola Samorì
Cannibal Trail features works created during 2016 and 2019 by Italian artist Nicola Samorì. With these seemingly violent, peeled off and frail images, we trace the artist’s “cannibal and consuming” methods and path, through which he has destructed and reconstructed to devour the once glorious art of the West.
Baroque painting provides creative inspiration for Samorì. Embodying various influences, such as the disappearance of time, gravity and material deterioration, his painting sometimes seems incredibly charged and sometimes highly reserved; yet, they all finally arrive at a “cadaverous body.” His work enables us to treat the creative mechanism and process of painting as the real subject, which, after a long period of struggle, is only left with ruinous, vulnerable wreckages.
This exhibition focuses on the representation of “layers of skin”; that is, to explore the surface of painting and sculpture as if it comprises the whole. In Samorì’s work, the delineation of the “layers of skin” resembles a process of geological survey to unearth the sediments underneath. By destroying the surface and creating a superficial opening, the instantaneously severed sedimentary layers beneath are subtly revealed, allowing further exploration.
Samorì’s work, be it painting or sculpture, portrays the vulnerability of his image subjects, and at the same time, voices their uncompromising resistance. Sometimes the images are ruptured using stones and separated from the canvases, and other times, they are cut in half, peeled off with a scalpel or a chisel, eroded with sulfur, stripped off from walls, or repeatedly created out of or incorporated with natural fractures or openings on stones. Each experiment aims to investigate and grasp the ephemerality of the creative moment while generating a time-transcending dialogue with stones refined through hundreds of years. Part of Samorì’s daily creative process also includes employing irrevocable ways to destroy his images that are elaborately painted, which is considered a method to create an understanding of the fleeting relationship between material and time.
Artists' Profile
Nicola Samorì
Samori was born in Forli, Italy in 1977. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and currently lives and works in Bagna Cavallo, Italy.
Samori is firmly on the path to a traditional academic education, drawing on the works of Renaissance and 17th-century masters for a meticulous and sometimes painful deconstruction of their work. In this way, he continued to reconstruct the definition of painting, not only breaking the canvas, but also breaking the self-assumption based on Western iconography. Silently accompanying all those with a Western education, Samori declared himself a sober and ruthless analyst among the martyrs. His work often uses chiaroscuro, which sets the tone for subsequent destructions that signal the fragility of subjects, reveal their deepest essences, and question their very existence in this world.
Photography / Francesco Pizzo

Cannibal Trail ─ Nicola Samorì Solo Exhibition Documentary
Cannibal Trail ─ Nicola Samorì Solo Exhibition DocumentaryPublications
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