Mission and Vision
MAYA846│Park Shengmo│ Stainless Steel Wire│ 320(H) x 320 (W)cm│2011
Create a global platform for contemporary realism
Yu-Hsiu Museum of Art is dedicated to the exhibition and promotion of contemporary realism, providing an exhibition space for renowned and promising artists in Taiwan to increase the professionalism and visibility of Taiwanese contemporary realism.
Meanwhile, the museum also endeavors in connecting with the world by holding exhibitions of esteemed artists of realism and increasing communication and exchange with each other. By doing so, it is hoped that Yu-Hsiu Museum of Art can create a global platform of aesthetics for contemporary realism.
Untitled (Kneeling Woman) │ Sam Jinks │ Australia │ Silicone, paint, human hair │ 30 x 28 x 72 cm │ 2015
Aesthetic education
Aesthetic education has been the core mission of Yu-Hsiu Museum of Art. Lingering in the museum and looking at artworks, visitors can have some leisure hours with themselves while enjoying the freedom of imagination and the fun of learning.
Finally, they will have an unforgettable museum experience with a smile on their faces and a fulfilling sense of happiness.
Night Jumpers │ Odd Nerdrum │ Norway │ Oil on canvas │ 207 x 291 cm │ 2009-2016
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