
Poetic Architecture The Essence of Contemporary Realism

The museum architecture is poetry in the concrete form; it is also the First Prize winner of Taiwan Architecture Award in 2016. Designed by architect Liao Wei-Li and built by Fuguach Construction, the architecture is inspired by the design concept of traditional Chinese garden, "block-lead-connect," and integrates modern architectural vocabularies to create the experience of visiting a unique garden.

The Museum in the Mountains

Leisurely, we take a walk.
Our pace is slow, so are our breath and heart.
Clouds and mountain peaks guide us. As we meander and wander in the mountains,Our minds and thoughts become transparent and calm.
From under the firmament we enter the museum, and In Art.

Fair-faced concrete walls, corridors, ponds, terraces conduct a dialogue with natural light, clouds, forest, and mountains. Walking in the museum, one will be surprised at finding hidden scenes of beauty and concealed open views.

