【My art class is in the art gallery】The 21st class

September 26, 2017 Miaoli County Chinese Primary School

#My art teacher is the artist Gu Hezhong The 21st art class is the first art class of "My art class is planned in the second half of 106 at the Art Museum". It is possible to arrange time to serve as an art teacher who plans many art classes in the second half of 106.
Teacher Gu, who usually teaches at the university, in order to let elementary and middle school children fully understand the "mystery of classical painting", in the morning class, specially planned art theory suitable for elementary and middle school children (PPT explains the mystery of classical painting) and hands-on courses ( Using various colors and geometric figures to combine images), after building the knowledge and ability to appreciate art works; then bring the students into the exhibition hall, guide the students to start from the knowledge they have just learned, and appreciate one of the exhibition [Disclosure・Existence]. Pieces of still life paintings.
To appreciate works of art, in addition to personal preferences, you also need to learn to appreciate works of art from various perspectives other than your preferences through the construction of artistic knowledge. the process of.
Thank you, artist Huang Pintong, the sponsor of the 21st class of "My Art Class at the Art Museum", because of your sponsorship, the children of Chinese primary school in Miaoli County have the opportunity to learn to understand still life painting under the guidance of artist Gu Hezhong.


thank you sponsor


Huang Pintong artist

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